"Can't a computer do that?" Rick asked. "Yeah, but it's not as easy as you think. Have to set up the right programs for it. I'll be back." The screen went blank again.
Andrй Parsons looked thoughtful. "What was it that the East India Company called native soldiers?"
"Sepoys," Rick said.
Parsons nodded. "Sepoys. Well, now we know our status."
The computer control system was complex, but eventually Gwen was able to use it for simple tasks, such as calling up pictures and documents. A good thing, too, she told herself. Otherwise she'd be bored to distraction.
Not with Les, of course. He was attentive and kind. He spent hours preparing dinners to be served in a romantic setting, with exotic music from a dozen worlds, wines and liqueurs from as many more, so that their evenings-and nights!-were more exciting than anything she could imagine.
But that was a few hours a day. You can spend only so much of your time being charmed. Or in bed, she told herself. Les had his work; he was translating documents for the mercenaries. That left her with mornings and afternoons (ship time, of course; since they had left the solar system there was nothing to be seen outside the ship-no star or sun to mark days or seasons) with nothing to do. Les wouldn't let her talk to the mercenaries; they weren't to know she was aboard. He insisted on that.
Which left her curious. Who were they? Why were they going to a primitive world called Tran?
When she first learned to use the computer's information-retrieval system, she could only look at pictures. The languages were a total mystery. The pictures were amazing enough; stars and nebulae, time-lapse photographs of multiple star systems with the stars so close they touched and sent streams of star-stuff spiraling off into the universe; another time-lapse of a black hole devouring its companion, taken from close enough and with long enough time delay that she could actually see the real star diminish in size, torn into gases which spiraled down and down to vanish into a central nothing; and more. There were intriguing pictures of life on a hundred planets. She counted a dozen races. Shalnuksis, of course, and others; Centauroids. Octopoids. A race like humans, but obviously reptilian in ancestry. A world where humans-real humans-kept as seeming pets small winged reptiles looking for all the world like tiny dragons.
And it was frustrating because Les didn't want to answer questions. Not that he flatly refused, but he would put her off, ask what she thought of what she had seen, ask what it reminded her of, until the evening was over and once again she had done all the talking. His desire for knowledge about Earth was insatiable. He wanted to know everything, trivial or profound. No detail seemed unimportant.
An anthropologist studying her. But few anthropologists were so charming about it.
Eventually she found the file on Tran, the place where the mercenaries were going. She could read none of it, of course; but she had learned how to make the computer pronounce the words it displayed on the screen, and from that she learned the phonetic alphabet used by the Confederacy. She made very little progress learning that language. There were too many words referring to places and people and things and ideas that were thoroughly unfamiliar. This didn't surprise her. The real shock came when the computer showed her the languages of Tran.
She spent a day being certain. Then, in the evening, when they were together with a glass of amontillado ("One of Earth's finest products," Les had said. "Nothing to match it anywhere. Too bad regular trade with Earth isn't allowed."), she could stand it no longer.
"I was listening to Tran languages," she said.
He raised an eyebrow. "Nothing there to interest you."
"But there is! Les, I recognized some of the words! A lot of them. That language is based on an ancient Indo-European tongue! Some of the words are unchanged from Mycenaean Greek!"
"Astute of you to notice," he said. "I expect you're right."
"Les, you're teasing me. You know what this means. It means that there was an exchange of people-a lot of people, enough to bring languages with them-between Tran and Earth as far back as four thousand years."
"Other way," he said. "From Earth to Tran."
"I meant that. It's obvious that humans didn't evolve on Tran. It's only a colony. But why is it so primitive? Even relative to Earth. And Earth is primitive by your standards-Les, is Earth a colony?"
"No." He looked thoughtful. "Perhaps that's not the right answer. Perhaps you're right. Earth is a colony-"
"Les, you're not making sense. Did humanity evolve on Earth?"
"What do you thing? You've read Darwin and Ardrey and Leakey. More sherry?"
"I don't want sherry, I want answers!"
He came over and filled her glass. "Don't be so serious," he said. "Now. You obviously think humanity is native to Earth. Tell me why."
An hour later, it was time for dinner. He still hadn't answered her questions.
Dinner was exotic, as usual, but she wasn't interested in food.
"Hey. You're crying," he said. "What's the matter? You don't like nastari?"
"You treat me like a child."
"No. I treat you like an adult," he said. He was very serious.
"I-what do you mean?"
"You are an intelligent woman. You raise fascinating questions. Don't you want to find answers for yourself?"
"But you know, and I don't-"
"Do I?"
"You mean you don't know? You don't know where humanity evolved?"
"I don't even know that it did."
"But-" The enormity of what he'd said struck her. "But you-your culture-you've had space travel for four thousand years," she insisted. "If you don't know the answers, at least you have a lot more data! Give me some."
"I'm doing that. How much can you absorb in a few weeks?"
"Oh." She was silent for a long time.
"Gwen." His voice was very gentle, his expression very serious. "Gwen, accept it. All of it. Believe me, I care for you. And believe me when I say I'm trying to do what's best for both of us." He laughed. "My, aren't we serious. And the dessert will melt."
Gradually she realized it: he was interested in what she thought. He wanted to know her ideas, and more than that, her reactions to what she was learning. But he was getting her talking to herself.
"What am I?" she asked her mirror. "Lover or laboratory animal? Anthropologist's informant, mistress, or-" She broke off. She'd been about to say "wife" and she didn't have any right even to think that.
And he did want to know. When she pointed out that some of the intelligent races she'd seen in pictures were identical to descriptions found in ancient mythology: centaurs, an aquatic race that might be mistaken for mermaids, a saurian race that might or might not have inspired the Minotaur legend-he not only listened, he insisted on having her describe and sketch the legendary creatures.
He also encouraged her to study Tran. She might think of something useful, something that would aid the mercenaries. "It would help a lot if you could," he said.
"If they succeed, they'll make a lot of money for the traders. Traders have influence with the Council. Won't hurt my career."
She stared in disbelief. "I-I thought I knew you better than that," she said. "Don't you care about the people on Tran? They're human. Don't you care?"
"Oddly enough, I do care," Les said. "Enough, in fact, to see if I can think of any way to help the mercenaries succeed with a minimum of slaughter. Because, you see, they really have to succeed-"
He ignored her question. "Can you think of anything that would help?"
"I don't know," Gwen said. "All the information I've seen is very old-"