For half of the 227 Earth day–long year, the companion star illumes the night sky. Solar storms and variability are frequent, necessitating the adaptation of local biota to flare-time conditions and a hardening of the cells against radiation. Upon a flare signal, all plants and men suddenly grow thick, dark skins, and the vines and trees take on a repellant aspect.

By ancient tradition, wars and murders are only attempted during flare time, when the worldwide panopticon system is down.

Vanity, or some cultural quirk of the Asclepiads, conditions their womenfolk to submerge during flares in the many pools set aside for this purpose, rather than assume an ungainly aspect. The river-going Melusine of that world, called Camenae, are famed for their singing.

The most subtle and expert of pantropists of the Empyrean, the Asclepiads are philosophically opposed to any centralized ecological control and forbid living weapons larger than a bee or wasp. The Leafsmith family is originally from Aesculapius.

The Breatharians, a green-skinned photosynthesizing variant of Locust that can live without intake of food and water, originate from here.

Originally called Carrion Flower.

Predominant population is Locusts and Scorpions.

Altair (Alpha Aquilae)—Covenant

The Preceptors of Covenant are known for their strict and puritanical lifestyles and their systems of mental discipline. The Covenanters lived aboard their seed ship for two hundred years after arrival, not descending to claim the planet until the long and arduous job of clearing away the asteroid accretions had been accomplished. Very little bioadaptation was needed, but the Covenanters made several mental alterations to themselves, removing them from the mainstream of human psychological norm. The Preceptors live in a polite near anarchy, their disputes determined by a specialized caste of paid arbiters: the common folk are indentured to pay for the costs of the terraforming, practically serfs.

Gliese 570 in Libra—Walpurgis

The star is energetic, and the planet has no ozone layer: the Walpurgishmen, when they emerge during the day, wear traditional parasol-shaped hats, goggles, and reflective capes, their faces painted or tattooed with radiation-blocking grease.

Year over four Earth years long, the axial tilt of the planet is more than sixty degrees, so that the sun never sets in midsummer, never rises in midwinter. The northern and southern oceans boil in summer, ice over in winter.

Roughly half the population migrates seasonally. The main industries are located aboard floating cities called rafts fabricated from the local sea-sponge. Most of the world surface is tideless ocean choked by sea-sponge, and flotilla-villages follow multi-mile-wide herds of gigantic sponge-eating sea mammals on yearly migrations.

The attempt to breed an amphibious race of humans, who could live safely under the water during light times, ended amid war and social upheaval when the Nicor (as they are called) proved ungovernable, anarchic, tribal, incapable of maintaining a social order or technological civilization.

The government is simple in theory, complex in practice. All political, religious, and economic power is vested in a figure called the Metropolitan, which is an amalgam of ghosts of the original man, Ele’ele, a monk and sole survivor of the Second Sweep, who repopulated the planet with his clones and duplicates, and retained ownership despite the influx of giants during the Third Sweep.

Eta Cassiopeiae—Outrage and Calm

Eta Cassiopeiae A. Outrage. The world has a rapid rotation (five hours of daylight followed by five of night), a long year (fifteen Earthly months long), and a highly eccentric orbit. Outrage orbits a bizarre object, called Storm Worm, whose mass is greater than Jupiter and the size less than Mercury, apparently the remnant of an exploded star. The surface of Storm Worm is mined for unique heavy elements and chemicals, so it is a source of wealth, but the tides from Storm Worm agitate the weather patterns of Outrage and trigger seasonal monsoons of uncompromising violence. There are no land masses above water, but coral structures form reefs larger than islands: famous also are the great leafy “floats” of buoyant plant life. The great polar reef is actually the safest place on the planet and the seat of the only urban population, mostly ghosts. The incarnate urban population must be fed by very-far-ranging fleets of aerial fishing craft (who dodge the horrific storms). The predominant population is Sylph.

Eta Cassiopeiae B has a world within its “water ring” (habitable temperature zone) called Calm: a pleasant, green world, heavily farmed. The planet has no axial tilt and no seasonal changes. Year is 37 Earth days. The length of the day is frequently changed by rival factions of planetary engineers to match circadian rhythms of imported Earth life versus the native life.

Calm is famed for having the most highly developed autochthonous life of any colony. The multicellular life is divided into five kingdoms rather than two: fragrant sea-jellies, canal-wading lotuses, rooted worms of prodigious length, semi-ambulatory five-sided pyramids, pentasexual pentagons with no discernible sense organs. Both pyramids and pentagons leave behind rows of shed shells as they mate and migrate, giving the Calm landscape its distinctive appearance. The majority population is Locust.

36 Ophiuchi—Albino

Albino is an icy moon of a superjovian. Albino and her companions are locked into Laplace resonance, causing tidal flexing. Albino’s oceans are heated by frequent volcanism.

There are no surface structures on Albino; the Swans live in an endless labyrinth of ice caves and subterranean oceans.

Note that the superjovian is close enough to the star to be suffering from loss of mass due to solar winds: there is a trail of dispersed atmosphere continually streaming from it, mined for tritium.

Albino is colonized entirely by Swans, who maintain no social organization aside from voluntary commensalities needed to create and maintain ghosts. The Swans enacted a cliometric end state, ensuring their history would never change.

HR7703—Gilgamesh and Enkidu

Two tide-locked egg-shaped binary planets with very severe tides and floodplains, worlds of rocky atolls rising sheer from stormy seas. The orbital period of the Twins is three days. The planets share a neck of stratosphere, allowing spaceplanes to cross the interplanetary interval. A permanent storm system sits at the near pole of both worlds. HR 7703 has the oddity that, for reasons unknown, the Hyades deracination ships never plundered it. It has no daughter colonies.

Gilgamesh, is a world of archipelagoes and floating islands, and enjoys a stable government and sophisticated aquacultural ecology run by the planetary Noösphere.

In contrast, Enkidu, which languishes at the sub-posthuman stage of development, suffers periodic convulsions and tumults, brought on by anarchistic philosophy, addiction to artificial brain-pleasure signals, or outbursts of religious zealotry: the locals worship devils perceived through ingestions of numerous hallucinogenic plants.

82 Eridani—Cyan

Low in iron and heavy elements, the Cyanese specialized in mental and theoretical disciplines and bred a race of intellectuals. The world is monobiotic, one species of bluish grass having adapted to all floral niches in the badly botched terraforming sequence. Planet has lower than Earth gravity; their grassboats are unique in the Empyrean, panels held up by the pressure of grass stems, coated with a frictionless substance. The first colony worlds to create a Jupiter Brain (known as Cerulean).

The population is divided into masters and muddles, depending on whether they wear a finger-ring appliance which gives them access to the local system-wide Noösphere. The Very Large Array radio communicates with local Dominion and Collaboration outposts. Cyan enjoys more radio contact with the Hyades than other Earth worlds and is known to have exchanged four or five messages. Cyan orbits at 0.8 AU and has a year of 275 Earth days.

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