Delta Pavonis—Splendor.

A cold and mountainous world occupying the same orbit as an asteroid belt, subject to continuous meteoritic bombardment. Splendor has a year 400 Earth days long. One ocean surrounds the equatorial region like a belt: the Splendids inhabit islands and peninsula of the north and south shore, avoiding the glaciers that dominate the nonequatorial areas. The Houses of Splendor still are centered on the seven competing ecological stations of the original terraforming. With seventeen large and close moons and countless lesser moons, the study of tides is both complex and necessary to navigate Splendor’s icy seas. The Splendids are the least modified of the colonial races, having achieved tremendous breakthroughs, and having been very patient during the terraforming. It is a point of pride with the Splendids not to meddle with their own gene plasm.

SECOND SWEEP 25 th Millennium

107 Piscium—Eurotas

Society is highly militarized, based on a fusion of Iatrocrat, Chimerical-Myrmidon, and murk-Giant biotechnologies to form a rational and stable command hierarchy.

61 Ursae Majoris—Cat Sin

Famed for its several intergenerational world wars, fought by armies preserved in cryonic suspension. Suffers heavy meteorite and cometary bombardment. Sinners follow a Hibernal body type with Hormagaunt modifications.

61 Virginis—Saint Mary’s World

Colonized by unknown world, likely Tellus. On this world, the Supreme Pontiff of the Sacerdotal Order has his See.

Alula Australis [a.k.a. Xi Ursae Majoris]—Taprobane

Early Witch biotechnicians stocked the world with beasts based on sacred and heraldic animals.

88 G. Monocerotis—Unicorn

Famed for its gigantic biota and endless prairies.

Wolf 25 in Pisces—We Sing Paeans

Despite the name, the Sacerdotal order is outlawed on this world, and each family is required to invent its own private mythology and pantheon.

Gliese 884 in Aquarius—We See a Strange Dawn

Entirely inhabited by agoraphobics, the Seers have trained the local flora to surround them as they walk, blocking out any dizzying vistas of distant objects.

Chi-1 Orionis—We Cower Beneath Odd Skies

The Cowards retain the ancient Vampire-based form of government from Venus.

66 G. Centauri—Pure Abode of Unreturning Souls also called Suddhavasa-Anagamin

A famed world of aesthetes, who experiment with new sense organs and neural interpretation systems. Ghosts are illegal here, but exist in an underworld.

HR 4458 in Hydra—Felicity of the Silent Soul

Colonized from Rosycross of Proxima Centauri. The base psychology is non-orthogonal.

HR 753 in Cetus—Waiting to Die

Draconis-type variable: variability due to stellar rotation in which sunspots blotting most of the stellar hemisphere rotate in and out of the field of view. Several continents of the planet cloaked with poisoned gas or venomous water table, due to nanotechnological errors, terraforming disasters, and malign ghosts.

p Eridani—Open Airlocks

An error in early pantropy causes the dominant population to have no imagination—that is, no ability to visualize shapes or remember faces. Oddly, they possess unerring directional sense.

HR 8832 in Cassiopeia—Masochists’ Delight

Immortalist world. Near twin of Tellus. Originally called Mnemosyne’s Delight, a reference to resemblance to the memories of Earth. Name changed after Earth-like viruses and predatory animals flourished in the environment, but unwise terraforming laws prevented any self-defense.

Zeta Tucanae—Cursed Earth

A world of very limited pantropy, extensive terraforming. Unbroken cloud cover was needed to heat the world to human toleration limits. Famed for its mile-high towers and lighter-than-air cities.

Zeta Reticuli—Venture Prospect

All real property owned by one family corporation, the Land Clan, which exploits the jovian world and the debris ring.

284 G. Eridani—Lingering Malice

High-gravity world rich in rare elements. Famed for the harshness of it terrain, the ugliness of its women. An illegal pantropy removed all ability to see beauty from the Malicious neural coding, in an attempt to combat the suicide rate.

Tabit [a.k.a. Pi 3 Orionis]—Fifteen Masks of Uncaring Fate

Ruled by cabal of Fox ghosts who inspire dreams and visions.

41 Arae—Nepenthe for Woe

Pantropic adaptation gives the population seasonal metamorphosis of radical degree, a spherical shape in winter, a batlike shape in summer.

Xi Boötis—Euphrasy

The right of parents and orphanages to experiment on their children is uncontested here. This is the only world known to have successfully overthrown their Myrmidon overlords and reduced them to slavery. Home world of the Reticent Order.

Chara [a.k.a. Beta Canum Venaticorum]—Joyous

Famed near twin of Tellus. Called Joyous Way when it was under the rule of a cabal of shape-changers. Unable to trust faces, the population engages in an extensive and intrusive unhindered neurotelepathy, has fought several nerve wars to become the foremost expert at the grisly art of brain-deception, and disdains to use any physical weapons. Dominant population is Joys.

MLO 4 in Scorpius [a.k.a. HR 6426]—Horrific Vision of Nagual

A hybrid of Scholar, Fox, and Myrmidons called Nagual rule the world, able to plunder both mental information and biological outward forms from each other, are kept in check only by submission to a horrific and remorseless caste of robotic peacekeepers called the Taloi, who, because they can neither kill nor imprison the fluid population of Nagual, enforce discipline by tortures inflicted without warning, trial, or appeal.

HR 7722 in Capricorn—Preceptor Joachim Voor’s World

Indulges in a fanatical aversion to cliometry. Early on, the Voorishmen believed selecting the committee of Voivodes by lottery would render predictions impossible. Unfortunately, the Voivode terraforming and patropic authorities, selected at random, were riven by rivalry: in consequence, the fauna of Voor’s World is famed for its sickly appearance and comical ungainliness. There is said to be no fair and wholesome thing on the globe, except for Nymphs and she-Sylphs the Voivodes import for their display harems.

HR 511 in Cassiopeia—New Seed

Ecological errors allowed semi-intelligent edible fungi variant to replace all plant life and fill all possible plant life niches, including orchid forms that root in the human and animal hair of all mammals. Making a pastime of necessity, gardeners coif and crossbreed their hair infections to ever more alluring and provocative designs.

12 Ophiuchi—Dust

Anarcho-Contractual world governed by Swan posterity called Anarchs, ruling over a more cohesive race, descended from Hormagaunts, called Aberrants. All buildings are temporary, towers constructed into fantastic and eerie shapes by electrostatic cohesion, made out of the ubiquitous surface dust. The local flora are airborne spoors and high-altitude clouds of photosynthesizing plant-animals that drip manna.

Variable star.

Gamma Leporis—Broceliande

A low-gravity world famed for the height and beauty of its trees. By ancient law, all tree breeds must be based on terrestrial precedent. Weather control is placed strictly under the control of the forest-mind, regardless of human concerns.

This is the sole world where the human and Myrmidon colonists continued in the Feudalism of the Golden Lords long after the rest of the Empyrean had fallen into disunion and darkness. The Inquisition successfully prevented any Foxes or Patricians from abolishing the Golden hierarchy.

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